• Christmas: Prelude to Sacrifice

    Hello Revolutionaries,

    This weekend will be Christmas; the time we get together and celebrate the birth of the greatest revolutionary of all---Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

    I want to take this time to pause for a moment and think about how important Christmas really is.
    We can get caught up in the commercialism or we can get caught up in the traditions of Christmas that are not part of the original story. Conversely we can also get caught up in pointing the finger at people who are caught up in such things.

    It should be neither for us revolutionaries.

    Rather, we ought to reflect on what it means that God became a man and dwelt on earth. I often think about how it is the greatest riches to rags story. Jesus lived in the heavenly realm among glory and splendor that you and I cannot grasp. The distance He had to travel from his home to earth is literally immeasurable and unfathomable.

    Why would the God, who created all time, space, and matter, descend into the lowest depths of humility?


    He became a human and even set aside some of His attributes (see Philippians 2). This is the mystery of godliness---that God would become a man. If that weren't enough, He even laid down this mortal life and allowed His own creation to nail Him to a cross and kill him.

    This was His choice. Love was His choice. Love is sacrifice.

    There was no other way for humanity to be redeemed of their sins.

    Here's the revolution.

    In a complete Turnaround our great Revolutionary rose from the dead. And this is why I don't particularly like to tell my children fairy tales or mythology---I want them to see the complete otherness of Jesus Christ. Kill Him? He'll just rise from the dead! There is nobody like Him.

    He is the icon.

    Focus on Him this Christmas and love as He loves---sacrificially. There is no better subject and no greater story.

    -Jason Vreeke

    P.S. Episode 6 will arrive for you this Christmas weekend!

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