Check out this revolutionary podcast!!

We want to bring authentic stories with each podcast episode.

  • The Danger of Looking Around

    The Danger of Looking Around

    We run into danger when we look around. Why is that?

    I think of Luke 18 when we read of two men who came to the temple to pray. One was a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.

    The Pharisee was part of the elite ruling class. He was a religious leader. He was wealthy. He had it together. When he prayed he said, "God, I thank you that I am not like other people---robbers, evildoers, adulterers---or even like this tax collector."

    We read that the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even raise his head. He beat himself on the chest and said "God, have mercy on me, a sinner."

    Jesus tells us that it is the tax collector who went home justified.

    How easy we can run into the same trap as the Pharisee! Part of his problem was the fact that he was busy looking around---and pointing out all the people he thought were worse than he was!

    It's always easy to point out people and say, "I'm not as bad as this person!"

    Jesus does not accept this.

    Here's the revolution.

    The tax collector---who was the most reviled of all people, who earned money through a very immoral, and evil manner---he was justified. He knew that he was a sinner. He knew that his life was evil. He came humbly before God and pleaded for mercy.

    This is the position we all need to take. We all are equal in sin. God gives grace the humble and resists the proud.

    Don't look around. Don't compare yourself to others. You may find yourself feeling too highly of who you are. Or you may find the opposite. You may look around at all those other Christians who seem to have it more together than you.

    They don't! They're struggling just like you and just like me!

    Let us, instead, keep our eyes fixed on Jesus; the Author and Finisher of our faith. He endured the cross for you and for me. It doesn't matter how bad you think your sin is; Jesus finished it all on the cross. You can be forgiven. All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.

    Your fellow revolutionary,
    -Jason Vreeke
  • Prayer Is Revolutionary!

    Prayer Is Revolutionary!

    Yes, it is!
    In the very act of prayer is an admission that you need help.

    When the fuel pump in my truck decided to go kaput recently, I did what any man would do. I bought the parts, did a little research online, and watched a YouTube video.

    After an entire day of trying I came to the realization that I, in myself, could not fix it.

    So I prayed under the truck. A name came into my mind. I knew this name---Larry. He is a retired mechanic. I called him and he got my truck all fixed up in no time!

    So what does my truck have to do with prayer?

    Here's the revolution.

    We are practically inundated with the message "You can do it!" We are told that we have in ourselves all that we need. There are self-made men and women. We, especially Americans, pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and keep on keeping on!

    Did you know it is not true that we have in ourselves all that we need?
    Did you know we need to reach out beyond ourselves to the One who has everything in Himself?

    In Christ all the fullness of deity lives in bodily form. We are told that He is before all things and that in Him all things are held together.

    Why wouldn't I ask Him for help? Who else would we ask?
    I dare not give a lesson on how to pray; as I am still learning this myself!
    Instead I give an appeal simply to pray.


    Even if you don't know what to say---God understands that we don't know how to pray as we ought and the Spirit Himself makes intercession.

    And it is more than asking for things. Time in prayer is time with God.

    And that is time well spent. So please, spend some time today in prayer.

    Your fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke

    P.S. Stay tuned to the podcast feed. I have a bonus coming out this week!
  • Stitcher is Official

    Stitcher is Official

    I am humbled to now be included on Stitcher!

    A big thanks goes out to all who worked to make this happen!

    If you are a Stitcher user please subscribe and give a strong rating to Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

    Episode 3 just got released on Saturday and is waiting for you!

    Your fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke

  • Humility


    I had the privilege of attending a day-long conference as part of the Orange Tour. The primary focus was to help youth and children's ministers to better affect those to whom they are ministering.

    One of the themes that really came forward was this: "Monday is coming."

    The idea is that what happens on Sunday morning in a house of worship is basically meaningless if it does not affect change for Monday and the days following.

    Today is Monday. I don't know if you found yourself in a house of worship yesterday, and I do not think I am better than you because I did.

    From Isaiah 66 we were reminded yesterday, that God values humility.

    The world, oftentimes, is filled with successful people who have practiced self-promotion. Confidence can easily escalate into arrogance. In many cases this is celebrated.

    Let it not be that way in our Revolution.

    Our leader Jesus Christ, who had every reason to be proud, lived a life of complete humility. He allowed the people He created to nail Him to a cross. This cross was made of wood that He designed!

    How humble is Jesus of Nazareth? His story is the ultimate "riches to rags" story. He left the highest throne to be born in a feeding trough (a manger). He lived a life of poverty. He lived in ridicule as He was accused of being born from an unwed mother, and the list goes on. The people He came do save, who He also created, spat on him, tortured Him, left Him looking inhuman, and then murdered Him. Of course, the grave could not hold Him.

    No motivational speaker of this world would counsel Him to take that course of action.

    But He humbled Himself, and had the end in mind. He knew this was the only way for sinful man to be redeemed.

    It is no surprise that God favors and values humility in people. Humility is the proper evaluation of who we are, and who God is. When we see humanity as sinful and see the greatness of God, humility is the normal response.

    So today, Monday, let us not be too proud of ourselves. Let us model our behavior after the greatest Revolutionary of them all---and be humble!
    -Jason Vreeke

    P.S. I am humbled by the great response Episode 3 has garnered! If you have not yet, subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, BeyondPod, or anywhere else you get your podcast! Episode 4 is in pre-production!
  • Episode 3 - Little Life

    Episode 3 - Little Life

    Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke Presents:

    Episode 3 - Little Life!

    Storytellers include myself and Pastor Dave Annan, childrens pastor at Community Bible Church in High Point, NC.

    There is also a very special guest cameo appearance by Joel Smallbone from the band For King and Country; my son Isaiah's favorite band!

    Please subscribe today on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or anywhere else you get podcasts!

    Please leave a strong rating as well on those podcast services! This is one of the ways you can help the podcast get more exposure!

    Remember, I want to hear your story and so do others! Contact me today!

    Your fellow revolutionary,

    Jason Vreeke
  • Episode 3 is in Post Production

    Episode 3 is in Post Production

    Hello fellow Revolutionaries,

    The third episode of Tales of the Revolution is currently in post production. All the principle recording is complete!

    We are looking good for a release tonight!

    Keep your eyes on the feed for the need episode.

    If you haven't already subscribed to the podcast please do so! Tales of the Revolution is listed on iTunes, Google Play, and now Stitcher!!!

    Subscribe today!

    -Jason Vreeke

  • Episode 3 Saturday Night

    Episode 3 Saturday Night

    Hello Fellow Revolutionaries,

    Tales of the Revolution Episode 3 is in production and will be completed tomorrow night.

    Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and or Google Play so you don't miss this new episode!

    Many new episodes are also in the works!

    And remember, I want to hear YOUR story!

    Contact me today!

    -Jason Vreeke

  • iTunes


    Dear Revolutionaries,

    The iTunes feed of Tales of the Revolution is now live! You can search iTunes for Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

    I ask that you would subscribe AND please register a good, strong rating!

    This will help others to find the podcast!

    I would be so thankful if you would do this!

    Your fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke

  • Thanksgiving 2016

    Thanksgiving 2016

    Earlier this month I was asked to give a testimony at the nursing home ministry about something for which I'm thankful.

    As I began to think of all the different things I am thankful for, such as my home and my family, I realized that there are many people who do not have such things. I did not want to be insensitive to those who did not have all the blessings that I do.

    I thought about God and how he is the source of all my blessings. And I considered a question. What if all of these blessings were taken away from me, would I still be thankful?

    That night at the nursing home ministry I shared how I was thankful most of all for the fact that my sins have been forgiven because Jesus died on the cross. I shared how forgiveness of sin was our greatest need as human beings.

    All of these considerations swirl about in my mind as I realize that I fall short when I am thankful for all my blessings. I am most thankful for the Blesser--- even Jesus Christ the Righteous.

    Remember Him this Thanksgiving--- the greatest Revolutionary of them all.

    -Jason Vreeke

  • Google Play

    Google Play

    Dear Revolutionaries,

    We are going to be listed on the Google Play podcast directory!

    Thank you for your support!

    -Jason Vreeke

  • iTunes is a Go!

    iTunes is a Go!

    I just got this email!
    Thank you for praying!

    Your fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke

  • Blindsided


    Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Mary Schmich writes:

    "The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday."

    The older I get the more I see the truth of this quote.

    It was an idle Friday when I heard the news that our lead pastor had decided to take his own life.

    I was blindsided. This sort of thing had never crossed my worried mind.

    In the next few years our church began a rebuilding process that involved an interim pastor, a search committee for a new lead pastor, and a lot of self-reflection.

    These few years have flown by and we have now arrived where we are today.

    Last night was our church-wide Thanksgiving dinner. I would have to say it was something of a turning point. Our wounded church got together as a family. We enjoyed a meal, fellowship, and worship songs sung by our new lead pastor with the aid of an acoustic guitar. I saw real worship as I looked at the faces of those around me.

    My crazy kids ran around and wreaked havoc of course. But you know what? That's what happens in a family. Kids run around; they are filled with wonder. Surprisingly, I got no stern looks from those around; but I got smiles.

    I guess I was blindsided by last night. I love it. Our church is healing. We are a family again.

    For that, I am thankful.

    Your fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke

    P.S. If you're looking for a church in the Piedmont Triad, the Lord is doing great things at Community Bible Church in High Point

    P.P.S. I am still waiting on approval from iTunes and Google Play for the podcast. New episode should come by the end of the week!
  • Pray!


    I am awaiting approval from both the iTunes and Google Play podcast directories. If approved, millions of iPhone and Android users will be able to search for and locate Tales of the Revolution!

    Please pray that this goes through!

    Your fellow revolutionary,

    Jason Vreeke

  • Working on an iTunes Podcast Feed

    Working on an iTunes Podcast Feed

    Hello fellow Revolutionaries,

    In the podcast game one of the best way to increase your distribution is to get listed in the iTunes Podcast directory.

    I found out my artwork was the wrong size due to iTunes regulations. A friend and fellow revolutionary helped by designing the new Tales of the Revolution artwork.

    I went to submit my feed and iTunes is saying my episodes are not able to be downloaded.

    I know from a good source that it you enter the feed into iTunes that you can download episodes.

    I have done that with Beyond Pod as well.

    Please be patient as I work out my feed so it can be listed in iTunes.

    Until then you can still add the feed manually.

    Listen to the first two episodes if you have not yet.

    Episode 3 (Lord-willing) is coming by the end of the week!

    Stay tuned!

  • What Do I Know About Mustard Seeds?

    What Do I Know About Mustard Seeds?

    I was told that if I had the faith of a mustard seed I could move mountains and uproot trees.

    What do I know about mustard seeds?

    I was introduced to faith; this immaterial thing. Then I learned that if the amount of my faith was equal to the size of a mustard seed that I could do amazing things!

    But what do I know about mustard seeds?


    I know about French's Yellow Mustard and Grey Poupon Dijon Mustard.

    I know that the lesson Jesus is teaching is a simple one. He says that it really does not take that much faith to do marvelous and wondrous things. 

    For years this plagued me. I heard whispers in my ear, "You cannot have faith the size of a mustard seed. It is impossible. You cannot quantify faith. Even if you could, it would not reach the size of a mustard seed. You are doomed."

    I don't know if anybody else has ever felt that way, but it bothered me, literally, for years. I really felt impressed to share this today. I even had a dream about it---the last dream before I woke up this morning. I never thought I could have enough faith. 

    This is simply untrue. It is a lie from the enemy. No revolution that is worth its salt is immune to hostile jamming. We are in a war; and it is easy to forget that. Our enemy seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. 

    He wants you to think your faith can never be enough.

    Here's the good news.

    It does not matter the size of your faith. What matters is the size of your object of faith.

    That's what Jesus was talking about. The mustard seed, those in Israel knew, was synonymous with something small. Your small faith is fine. Just make sure your faith is in the Almighty God.

    Do not be discouraged today, oh you of little faith. Place your tiny faith in the immeasurable God; He has dealt to each of us a measure of faith. Your faith is enough because God is enough.

    Your fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke

  • Friday, I'm in love!!!

    Friday, I'm in love!!!

    I don't care if Monday's blue, Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too. Thursday? I don't care about you!

    It's Friday!! I'm in love!

    These popular lyrics will be familiar to many. It appears that the cure for the week is the weekend; and Friday leads us to the cure.

    For lots of people Friday beckons as the end of a workweek. It is the signal that exciting times are ahead! Time for birthday parties, golfing, fishing, cycling, dirt biking, or just binge-watching your favorite shows on Netflix or Hulu.

    But suppose going into the weekend you knew you were going to die. Suppose it was such a certainty that it caused great distress---the kind that causes you to sweat drops of blood from your head.

    That's our great Revolutionary leader. He was nailed to a cross, quite possibly, on a Friday.

    I have been accused of talking too much about death. But the fact is that our Revolution suffers more death than you can imagine.

    2014 marked the deadliest year for those who name the name of Jesus Christ.
    It was surpassed by 2015.

    Not a good trend.

    But here's the good news. Here's the reason to celebrate. When our great Revolutionary, Jesus of Nazareth, died on the cross...He didn't stay in His tomb. When Mary went to the tomb she was asked by an angel, "Why do you seek the living among the dead?" It was sort of a cryptic way of telling Mary that Jesus was alive.

    What can you say about a man who is so revolutionary that He turns even death around? You can say He's the greatest Revolutionary of them all...but I hope you say that He is Lord.

    So it's Friday! It's a time to celebrate and get ready for the weekend; unless you work in retail like I did for almost 20 years.

    But this weekend enjoy the blessings you have, Ppay for the ones who do not have such blessings, and give all the glory to the Revolutionary of them all---Jesus Christ.
    -Jason Vreeke
  • The Greatest Revolutionary of Them All

    The Greatest Revolutionary of Them All

    When we think of revolutionaries we often think of political heroes and activists like Paul Revere or those who dumped tea into the Boston Harbor.

    Some may consider moral revolutionaries like Mother Teresa; who basically spent her entire life putting others before herself.

    When I think of the "Greatest Revolutionary of Them All" I think of somebody who is not simply a political or moral revolutionary. He is far more.

    He did not simply come to create an upheaval in the political realm. He also did not simply come in the name of morality or behavior modification.

    He did not come to make bad people good.

    He came to make dead people live.

    He came to Earth and allowed Himself to die. On the third day He rose from the dead. He, essentially, defeated death.

    He says, "Follow Me."

    "Because I live, you also shall live."

    He is Jesus of Nazareth, the Greatest Revolutionary of Them All---Revolutionary of Revolutionaries.

    -Jason Vreeke
  • Podcast Feed is Live!!!

    Podcast Feed is Live!!!

    Hello Revolutionaries,

    I am excited to announce that the podcast feed is live!

    Simply add this feed to wherever you get podcasts.

    This could be iTunes or Google Play or what I use "Beyond Pod"

    This will allow you to keep up with all the updates and new podcast episodes easily.

    Here is the feed:

    Simply Add this to your podcast app to subscribe!


    Your fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke

  • Tales of the Revolution Podcast Episode 2 - Lost and Found

    Tales of the Revolution Podcast Episode 2 - Lost and Found

    Here is a link to Episode 2 - Lost and Found!  Give it a listen and then look forward to Episode 3 coming soon!!!

    Episode 2 - Lost and Found

    Your Fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke
  • Tales of the Revolution Podcast Episode 1 - Turnaround

    Tales of the Revolution Podcast Episode 1 - Turnaround

    Here is Episode 1 of Tales of the Revolution. I am currently working on episode 3.

    Episode 1 - Turnaround

    I am always looking for stories! Contact me!

    Your Fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke
  • Your Own Personal Renaissance

    Your Own Personal Renaissance

    A friend of mine went to a Renaissance festival over the weekend. He began showing me pictures of the different displays and costumes. What I found fascinating was the fact that most of the costumes and displays were Star Wars themed!

    It got me to thinking about the Renaissance. The term Renaissance is derived from the French word for rebirth. Many of us think of the period of the fourteenth through sixteenth centuries where there was a massive rebirth in the areas of culture, arts, and science. It was Western civilization's answer to the Dark Ages. If not for the Renaissance our culture would not be where it is today.

    On a personal level, many of us come to a place in life where we feel that a rebirth or renaissance is needed. We pause to take a look at where we are. Is this where I thought I would end up? We begin to evaluate ourselves and ask questions. What is the meaning of all this?

    We often begin to look for answers---generally in all the wrong places. We seek fulfillment in money, relationships, pleasure, possessions, accomplishments and the list goes on. For many it just gets worse as these things in themselves to not bring answers, satisfaction, or meaning.

    G.K Chesterton said, "Meaninglessness does not come from being weary of pain. Meaningless comes from being weary of pleasure."

    In our culture pleasure seeking is at the forefront. We seek numerous types of pleasure at every turn. We want to watch the best movies, drink the best coffee, eat the most delicious foods, read the best books, and so on. Pleasure is a good thing; but it does not bring what we are looking for.

    Where does it come from? Where do we find what we are looking for? We need a renaissance. We need a rebirth. I am not talking about reinventing yourself like Madonna (so what if I'm a fan!?) has done each decade! I am talking about a change from the inside out.

    Our problem is primarily internal. This means the solution is likewise internal. 

    When Jesus of Nazareth came to this earth He came to deal with this. He said He came that we may have life---and have it more abundantly. This is a fullness of life that most people never enjoy. Jesus also said that unless a person is born again the Kingdom of God cannot be seen. That's your rebirth your renaissance!

    If you have come to this place in life where you need a rebirth seek after Jesus of Nazareth. You will find that He not only gives you the answers you need but that He Himself is The Answer.

    -Jason Vreeke
  • It's a Monday a Monday a Monday...

    It's a Monday a Monday a Monday...

    We usually grind our way through the week to get to the weekend---even Revolutionaries!

    Is that what we are doing? Are we living for the weekend? The great theologian Michael Scott said that we should be living for the week!

    But seriously, we often work hard during the week and look forward to something fun and/or relaxing on the weekend. It is fun to take weekends off.

    I, unfortunately, have spent most of my adult life working in retail. If you work in retail you know that the weekend does not have the same impact for you. I am grateful for my time in retail but I am also grateful to be out!

    The problem with taking the weekend off is facing Monday. When Monday rears its ugly head it means we are in for another grind for the next five days. Often our "weekend off" leaves us even more tired and in need of relaxation! That's why you won't find me rock climbing on my weekends off. :) I am usually exhausted after a weekend of running around with my kids at home, grocery store, or the church. These kind of things make Monday even harder.

    Nothing is wrong about wanting to take the weekend off. It is purely natural! Even the greatest Revolutionary of them all, Jesus Christ took a weekend off! He had a tough week---tougher than mine and tougher than yours. He was arrested, beaten, and nailed to a heavy, wooden, splinter-ridden cross that He carried Himself up a hill. So then in His most vulnerable moment, all His friends ditched him. He died there on that cross and they put him into a tomb.

    Rough weekend eh? No rock climbing for Him either. Instead, there was some rock rolling. Not rock and roll, but the large stone that sealed the tomb was rolled away on Sunday morning. To the surprise of those involved, Jesus, our model Revolutionary, was gone.

    He would show up in a big way on that Sunday. He would astonishingly be alive and well after his horrific weekend ordeal. What a Sunday. Their Friend and leader died but then came back from the grave. Now that's the kind of weekend that can lead into a great Monday!

    We are told that Jesus stuck around for many days later preparing His followers for their mission---a mission that is still going on to this day.

    So on this Monday don't fret about five days of work ahead. Rejoice and celebrate the weekend that the great Revolutionary, Jesus Christ, experienced death and rose again so that you could have life.

    Because He lives, we also shall live.

    Have a great Monday and a great week!

    -Jason Vreeke
  • My Double Brother

    My Double Brother

    If you have heard Episode one of Tales of the Revolution then you have heard my brother James. Growing up we always called him "JR." I think that had to do with him being junior to my dad who is also named James. Perhaps our family saw the "Jr." at the end of his name and said the letters J - R.

    No matter. I grew up calling him JR and I still do. In my phone he is listed as simply JR.

    Today is his birthday. He is a couple years older than me. But what I thought about yesterday and find fascinating is that he is both my older and younger brother. In fact, he's my Double Brother.

    Am I crazy? Perhaps...but that's irrelevant to this post.

    JR and I are both brothers in the flesh and brothers in Christ. We are Double Brothers. I had the privilege of being instrumental in his journey toward Jesus. While he was incarcerated I sent him a Bible and some other Christian titles; much to his chagrin at the time. For a more complete version of the story check out Episode 1 - Turnaround. To make a long story short he became a Christian and was born again a couple of years after me. So in a sense he is my older and younger brother.

    I have really enjoyed seeing how the Lord has changed and used his life. Somebody looking from the outside in may fail to see the correlation between his prior life and his current.

    From the inside we see what is present in all our lives with Christ...Psalm 40:2

    "He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand."

    Happy birthday to my Double Brother, my older and younger brother James JR Vreeke!

    Until Next time,
    Live the Revolution

    -Jason Vreeke
  • Hello Fellow Revolutionaries!

    Episode 3 of Tales of the Revolution is currently in the works!

    I am currently in a stage of pre-production...which can pretty much mean anything.  :)

    The current story in my life is that of my baby. The baby is currently residing in my wife's womb. We will see baby Vreeke sometime in June of 2017.  Exciting Times!

    What about you?  What is going in your story?  I want to hear it and I know others do too!!!

    Let us know!

    Also, I am always looking for people to share their story on the next episode of Tales of the Revolution.

    Until then...vive la revolucion!

    -Jason Vreeke
  • How time has flown by! I am currently working on a way to balance my schedule so that I can begin to create and post new episodes of Tales of the Revolution.

    During my time away my hosing site,, has become extinct.

    Thankfully I have now found a new way to host files simply by using Google!

    Stay tuned for new updates coming soon!

    Your Fellow Revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke
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