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We want to bring authentic stories with each podcast episode.

  • Episode 11 - Deceived Unto Death

    Episode 11 - Deceived Unto Death

    Hello Fellow Revolutionaries,

    I am pleased to announce the release of Episode 11 - Deceived Unto Death.

    This timely release coincides with the historical March for Life happening this weekend in Washington D. C.

    My special guest storyteller, Tori Shaw, tells her very personal story that is very relevant and topically related to the March for Life.

    Read Tori's thoughts on life, motherhood, and Christianity at her blog, A Life of Gratitude, at

    Tori also sits on the board of the New Life Family Outreach in High Point, NC.  Visit their website,, to find out more!

    You don't want to miss this episode!
    Links are below to watch, listen, and download!

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  • The Pursuit of Happiness, Liberty, and Life

    The Pursuit of Happiness, Liberty, and Life

    Last week many witnessed the words and actions of what is being 


    The Women’s March.

    It is said that over a million people, the vast majority women, gathered in Washington D.C. in order to be heard.

    Coverage was widespread.

    You could not escape it on social media or network media.

    I got some pretty in-depth descriptions from proponents and opponents who were in attendance.

    This weekend is an event dubbed The March for Life.

    In similar fashion, people from all over, mostly women, are assembling in Washington D.C. in order to speak out in favor of protecting human life.

    I don’t know where you fall in this issue.

    It was Dr. Ravi Zacharias who said:
    The ultimate test of any civilization is how we treat the most vulnerable…what we do to our children.

    There are none more vulnerable the unborn.

    What are we doing to these children?

    As The March for Life goes on this weekend in our nation’s capitol, and there is not as much media coverage, ask yourself: 

    Why is that?

    Why is the media lopsided on this issue?

    The crowd is slated to be even larger than that of last week.
    You make the call.

    Your fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke

    P.S. Stay tuned for a very timely episode this weekend concerning another aspect of this same issue!

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  • People Need Jesus

    People Need Jesus

    People look at Christians and determine what Jesus is like.

    The sad reality is that Jesus of Nazareth has been defamed because of the failures of the church.

    I know you and I are not capable, by any stretch of the imagination, to be just like Jesus.

    Do I love people perfectly? NO!

    Do I always put others before myself? NO!

    Do you know who can be just like Jesus?


    We need to be instrumental in arranging encounters with the Real Jesus of Nazareth.

    Jesus is a Man of sorrows; acquainted with grief.
    Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted.

    Do you remember when Jesus met you in your time of grief?
    Do you remember when He healed your broken heart?

    I remember when he healed my broken heart.
    And it has happened more than once; and it may continue to happen.

    There is no guarantee that heartache will go away.
    The guarantee is that you are not alone.

    If you know Jesus; introduce Him to those who do not.

    If you feel alone and have never met Jesus;
    It is my honor to introduce you to the Real Jesus of Nazareth.

    He is the centerpiece of history.

    His ideas are so revolutionary that the people killed Him.

    They nailed Him to a cross and he died.

    But then He rose from the dead; proving that He is who He said He is: God in human form; the Redeemer of mankind.

    If you know Him, tell others about Him.

    If you don’t know Him; understand that He is interested in you.
    He wants a relationship with you. You should call Him on it.

    And just remember; He chose the nails.

    -Jason Vreeke

    P.S. Episode 11 is in the works! Check it out this weekend!

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  • Episode 10 - The Hands We're Given

    Episode 10 - The Hands We're Given

    Hello Fellow Revolutionaries,

    I am pleased to announce the release of the 10th episode of Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

    Our special guest is Benjamin Wolaver. He is the cellist of The Annie Moses Band.

    Learn more about them at their website at

    Benjamin and other members of the band are also involved in the Fine Arts Summer Academy.

    Learn more at their website,

    I am trying something new with this. I have finally figured out how to embed a YouTube video on the post. You can click the video above to play the audio. The "video" is just the single image and is really just designed for listening.

    You may also use the big blue play button below!

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  • What Are You Doing this Weekend?

    What Are You Doing this Weekend?

    It's pretty common to think about the weekend---especially on a Friday.

    We make plans to do things we can't do and see people we can't see during the week.

    The biggest thing about the weekend is that you have time.

    Time is probably our most precious commodity and treasure.

    The fact is that wherever you spend your time; your heart is sure to follow.

    Put another way, where your treasure is, your heart will be also.

    So how will you spend your time this weekend? 

    Will it be spent doing household chores, running errands, or watching television?

    Do you want to do something revolutionary?!

    Spend some time with God this weekend!

    Spend time with God in His Word; The Bible.

    Spend some time with Him this weekend in prayer.

    Remember, prayer is not a wish list. It is quality time characterized by an engaged with the Creator of all existence.

    Spend some time with God by being with His people; the church.

    The church is not a building or religious organization.

    The church is a group of people who have been called out of this world system into the Kingdom of God by Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

    Will you spend time with Jesus this weekend? Will you learn more about Him?

    Will you be His hands and feet by serving people?

    I hope and pray you do.

    Take time with Jesus.

    He took the time to die---For You.

    -Jason Vreeke

    P.S. Episode 10 will be released tomorrow! Keep a lookout!

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  • Episode 10 is in Production / Guest Storyteller Benjamin Wolaver

    Episode 10 is in Production / Guest Storyteller Benjamin Wolaver

    Hello Fellow Revolutionaries,

    Your friend Jason is currently in the midst of producing episode 10 of Tales of the Revolution.

    My special guest will be Benjamin Wolaver, cellist of The Annie Moses Band!

    He’s got a story you do not want to miss!

    As a collector of rare experiences I recommend checking out the podcast feed or the download center this weekend so you can add this to your collection!

    Learn more about Benjamin Wolaver and The Annie Moses Band at their website.

    Until next time,
    Live the revolution.

    -Jason Vreeke
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  • The Church is Doing a Poor Job...

    The Church is Doing a Poor Job...

    In many of my conversations with godly Christians of late there has been a common theme.

    It has been noted by numerous folks that we, the church, have been doing a pretty poor job at ministering to people in true need.

    What do you mean Jason!? Our church preaches truth every week from our pulpit and our church leadership is faithful and without reproach!

    I appreciate and even applaud the preaching of truth. It is necessary. Also, the leadership of a church needs to be blameless and without reproach

    But we the church are a group of broken people. May we never forget that. 

    I have heard testimony after testimony about people who have been in difficult situations---dire situations.

    I am talking about people who's lives have been ripped about by infidelity or who's dreams are shatter due to the death of a child.

    I have talked to these people who are hurting and broken.

    I, myself, am often one of these hurting and broken people.

    Here's where it gets sticky.

    Time after time the story plays out the same: nobody from the church reached out to me.

    I talked to somebody who was wronged recently---in a very devastating and life-altering way. This person did not commit sin but was wronged. The response from her local church body was this...silence.


    I wish I could say this was an isolated incident. This year (it's January) I have already heard countless stories in the same vein.

    Let it not be so in the Jesus Revolution...

    Let us, instead, remember it was Jesus who went to the places and the people the Pharisees ignored. May we be like The Real Jesus of Nazareth who did not worry about how associating with certain people or groups might affect His social standing. 

    May we never forget that Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted.

    Please, I implore you! I implore myself! I am as guilty as any!

    Be the one who ministers to that refugee family who doesn't have a friend at all in this country.

    Be the one who reaches out to the person going through a divorce---even if they are at fault!

    Be the one to show the love of Christ to the post-abortive young woman. Don't condemn her!

    Be the one to reach out to that alcoholic man or woman who really needs a touch from the King of Kings!

    We are the Body of Christ.

    May we let Him work through us.

    -Jason Vreeke

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  • Episode 9 - Let Us Reason Together

    Episode 9 - Let Us Reason Together

    Episode 9 is here! 
    This episode features guest storyteller J. Warner Wallace.
    Wallace is a cold-case homicide detective who used the skills he learned in his profession to examine the claims of the New Testament in order to come to faith in Jesus Christ!

    He has appeared on Dateline NBC more than any other cold-case homicide detective. 

    Keith Morrison said of J. Warner Wallace, 

    Around Dateline, we had a phrase to describe J. Warner Wallace: 'The Evidence Whisperer.'

    You may have also seen him as an expert witness in the film God's Not Dead 2.

    He has also authored the books Cold-Case Christianity, Alive, Cold-Case Christianity for Kids, and his latest release God's Crime Scene.

    Keep your eyes open for when J. Warner Wallace releases his next book entitled Forensic Faith.

    Learn more about J. Warner Wallace and his books at

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  • Update on the Revolution/J. Warner Wallace

    Update on the Revolution/J. Warner Wallace

    Hello Fellow Revolutionaries,

    God is doing amazing things for Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

    He keeps bringing amazing stories of His power and goodness!

    I got my red clip writings going on with bad handwriting and all!

    Episode 8 was released over the weekend and episode 9 is now in full-fledged production!

    We are in for a real treat with our guest storyteller for the upcoming 9th episode, J. Warner Wallace.

    You may have seen him in God's Not Dead 2.

    You may also know him as a guest on Dateline NBC or similar show.

    He is the cold case detective who used his skills to examine the claims of the New Testament. He found that the claims were true and became a follower of Jesus!

    Find out more about him at his website

    You'll learn about his ministry and his books including Cold Case Christianity and God's Crime Scene.

    Stay tuned for episode 9 this weekend!

    -Jason Vreeke

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  • Episode 8 - Coming Home

    Episode 8 - Coming Home

    Hello Fellow Revolutionaries,

    In much of the United States we are blanketed with snow! 

    Worry not!

    Grab that hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate and cozy up in your favorite chair with a blanket and the 
    latest episode of:

    Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke

    Darlene Pawlik is our first storyteller. She is Vice President of Save The 1; a national right to life organization. They are online at
    Find out more about her at her website

    Storytellers also include Quentin and Sarah Forbes!

    Remember to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music and anywhere you get podcasts!

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  • Somebody Someday

    Somebody Someday

    Growing up I always wanted to be somebody someday.

    When I looked at people like Elvis Presley and Jon Bon Jovi; these were options to me.

    These positions are not easy to obtain; as I learned.

    Sometimes we can feel like what we do is not very significant. I created a podcast episode that tackled this subject in small way called Little Life.  Most of us end up leading these Little Lives. 

    The truth is that they are not that little at all.

    I was reminded by an old friend of mine yesterday, who has achieved what many would consider to be a great level of success, that the everyday the things we do hold huge significance.

    One example he brought up to me was that of fatherhood.

    The majority of us become parents. To our children we are, by far, the greatest influence.

    There is nobody of greater significance to a child than a parent.

    Some may even argue that the father is the greatest of all influencers.

    King Solomon tells us in the seventeenth chapter of The Book of Proverbs the following:

    The glory of children is their father.

    If we are not involved, noble, and godly parents; to whom will the children look?

    Professional Athletes?


    The creepy guy who hangs out in the alley?

    Fill in the blank.

    I think we often forget how large a calling parenthood is. We hear so often of children who fall away from the faith. In fact, by some estimations anywhere from two thirds to three quarters of children raised in Christian homes leave the faith by adulthood.

    I realize that if I want to be somebody someday, I need to take seriously the somebodies that God has put in my life---my children.

    During prayer time recently, my three year-old wanted to pray and thank God for his Ninja Turtle.
    My five year-old wanted to pray that our friend with cancer would be healed.
    My seven year-old wanted to pray for the salvation of a relative.

    It was beautiful to see the progression. God is working in all three of my sons. I am humbled to be a part of it.

    If I wonder what kind of significance my little life can make, I look no further than the little lives I've been given.

    Someday has come. I am somebody.

    And so are you.
    -Jason Vreeke

  • Jesus is the Solution

    Jesus is the Solution

    Not all years are created equal.

    Some years we have triumph and other years tragedy.

    Our family went through the loss of a child through miscarriage this past year.

    Perhaps your year was filled with similar or greater heartache.

    I want to encourage you.

    What happened last year doesn't have to happen every year.

    Our big brother, Paul the Apostle, recommended forgetting those those things which are behind and pressing forward toward goal of the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

    But what does that mean? It sounds like religious jargon.

    It simply means this:

    #1 Let go of all that brings you down. 

    "Why can't I find love?"
    "Why do they ignore me?"
    "Will I ever kick this habit?"
    "Does anybody care?"

    Give it all to Jesus. Say a simple prayer, "Jesus, help me move on from this."

    #2 Press forward to Jesus and His upward call.

    This simply means to move toward the direction of Christ; He is the Solution. 

    How do I do that?

    Do it in prayer. 

    This does not mean you have to isolate yourself and fold your hands.
    I found my revolution in prayer by simply inviting Jesus into my thoughts. 
    He's in there. Now invite Him into your thought life and go over things with Him.

    You also press forward to Jesus by meditating on His Word; The Bible.

    I am not saying to buckle down and read a whole bunch of chapters a day. 
    Read a small portion in context and simply spend time thinking about it.
    Pause throughout the day and ask the Lord to reveal Himself in the passage.

    Finally, press toward Jesus and His upward call by spending time with other believers.
    Did you know that, in general, people need people? It's kind of how it has been designed. Even an introvert needs the love and kindness of others. We cannot do this on our own. We may think we can; but this is simply not true. I have found the joy of being part of a small group at our church. 

    When we went through our miscarriage we found that our small group was instrumental in our healing. Not only did they tend to us and lend crying shoulders; but they even put together a memorial service for the loss of our child. It would have been much harder without this group. We learned, sadly, that most people do not have this kind of support. That should never be the case in God's church. Get involved in a small group.

    Will you let go of what hurts you this year? Will you press forward toward Jesus and His upward call? I pray that you do. 

    Remember, He is the Solution!

    May this year be better than the last, in Jesus' name.

    Your fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke

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