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  • Amazing The Mind of a Child Is

    Amazing The Mind of a Child Is

    I am constantly amazed at the intelligence of children. 
    This morning during my Sunday lesson I was blown away by the depth
    of questions asked by my students.
    We addressed Genesis chapter three and the fall of man.
    After addressing the lies and deception of the serpent I was asked,
    "If God knew that Adam and Eve would sin, why did He put them in the Garden of Eden?"
    I did my best to answer this high level question in our short amount of time only
    to then be asked by another student this question:
    "Who created God?"
    Wow. Again, I did my best to answer this question, which I think
    I did sufficiently in our limited time.
    I stop now, sitting in the sanctuary before second service,
    and I marvel at how amazing the minds if these children are.
    I am so encouraged and excited about first graders asking
    the same questions as doctorate level people like Richard Dawkins.
    This just goes to show is that these young people are thinking.
    Their minds are wrestling with deep topics.
    Let us not shy away from answering these big questions!
    Your fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke

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