Check out this revolutionary podcast!!

We want to bring authentic stories with each podcast episode.

  • Episode 22 - Truth is Truth / J. Warner Wallace and Forensic Faith

    Episode 22 - Truth is Truth / J. Warner Wallace and Forensic Faith

    Fellow Revolutionaries,

    I am pleased to announce the release of the first episode of season 2 of Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

    This is the 22nd overall episode and is entitled, Truth is Truth.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music or anywhere you get podcasts!

    Get the latest episode right here! 
           ------>Click to listen or download or use the Play Button!

    My special guest is J. Warner Wallace.

    We will hear about his latest book, Forensic Faith.
    It is available right now!

    Learn more about him, his ministry, and his writings at

    Check out the video link to the podcast below.

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  • Some Revolutionary Rumblings...Season 2!

    Some Revolutionary Rumblings...Season 2!

    I've always loved the sky. On eclipse day I was plagued by clouds.
    Nevertheless it was a beautiful day; I could hardly complain about what was going on in the sky.

    There have been some rumblings going on inside of me. These rumblings are for season 2 of Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

    The Lord has given me a great but busy summer off. We are now nearly to the end of summer.

    A busy summer that has included a job change or two and the birth of my daughter.

    Now that fall is coming up things are changing again.

    Stay tuned for new episodes very soon!

    I have been blessed with some stories from amazing people that I have in the can along with some new inspiration from God that I hope will cause you some revolutionary rumblings of your own!

    Please contact me with YOUR revolutionary tales as well.

    Your fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke
  • No Surprises for God

    No Surprises for God

    I have mentioned it on other occasions, but we all live under the illusion of linear assumption. We believe today will be like yesterday and next week like last week and so on. But this is not always true; non-linearities occur.

    Last year we thought our fourth pregnancy would be like the prior three. But this was not the case.

     It was a non-linearity when my wife Valerie woke up with unexpected bleeding. It was a non-linearity when I left work early. It was a non-linearity when I pulled up to see Valerie and our friend Monica embracing while shedding tears and mourning the loss of our baby.

    At that time we didn't know what to think or do. We were in pain. We never doubted God; but we did have questions. I cannot say these questions have all been answered, but I can say that God has demonstrated His love toward us through people who never left us. God has shown us His love through people who cried with us, and walked with us through our season of grief.

    When we found out we were pregnant again you can imagine the desperate prayers and nail-biting that took place. But we had no idea that one year and one week after mourning our loss that we would be welcoming a baby girl into the world.

    All along God knew what was happening. There were no surprises for Him. It was no shock to Him when Valerie and her best friend Tori prayed together that they might experience a pregnancy at the same time. Unbeknownst to these two women, God knew that not only would they be pregnant at the same time, but they would both conceive girls after having delivered three boys previously. God also knew that these baby girls would be born on the very same day; less than two hours apart.

    Nothing or no one can replace the child we lost. I still think about the one we named River, who is now in heaven with Jesus. I still have questions that I do not expect to have answered this side of the grave.  I do not question the Lord is in control. 

    I do like to take time to consider non-linearities in life. When they occur I try to pay attention. It seems as though the Lord uses these unexpected events and times in order to speak to me and teach me something I need to learn. A non-linearity to me is no surprise to God.

  • Episode 21 - Under the Milky Way

    Episode 21 - Under the Milky Way

    Fellow Revolutionaries,

    I am pleased to announce the release of the 21st episode of Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke!

    This episode is entitled Under the Milky Way.

    The "guest" storyteller is a young pastor from Southern California. 

    We continue thinking about the resurrection of Jesus Christ even though Easter has passed.

    Let us always keep the resurrection of Jesus Christ close to our hearts.


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  • Episode 20 - A Journey To Faith

    Episode 20 - A Journey To Faith

    Hello Fellow Revolutionaries,

    I am pleased to announce the release of episode 20 of Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

    This episode is entitled A Journey to Faith.

    When it comes down to it, that's what it's all about. This podcast exists to share journeys of faith. 

    Not all journeys look the same. In this episode hear how Dr. Phil Fernandes of The Institute of Biblical Defense made his way to the real Jesus of Nazareth.

    Learn more about him at

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  • Episode 19 - Dark Deception

    Episode 19 - Dark Deception

    Fellow Revolutionaries,

    I am please to announce the release of the 19th episode of Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

    This is another installment on deception.

    This episode is entitled Dark Deception.

    My guest storyteller, Dr. Gregory Reid, is a retired private investigator with over 20 years of experience as a contract criminal justice trainer on occult crimes and crimes against children. He has authored eleven books including Nobody's Angel, Trojan Church, and the recently released War of the Ages: A Complete Scriptural Guide to Confronting and Defeating Satan's Kingdom.

    Learn more at


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  • Episode 18 - Shadows of the Past

    Episode 18 - Shadows of the Past

    Fellow Revolutionaries I am pleased to announce the release of the 18th episode of Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke entitled Shadows of the Past.

    Guest storytellers include Gayle Erwin and Pastor Dave Annan. 

    Gayle Erwin has pastored for years and has also authored numerous titles that can be found at his website,

    Also hear from Pastor Dave Annan as he shares how the church he pastored in Pennsylvania ministered to those living in a homosexual lifestyle. 

    Learn more about Pastor Dave's personal journey in Episode 15 of the Podcast - Damaged Goods.

    Read Pastor Dave's blog here

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  • The Flowers Will Bloom; Even if Late

    The Flowers Will Bloom; Even if Late

    When all the trees are blooming with beautiful white blossoms all over my neighborhood, and pretty much everywhere else in North Carolina, the two trees in my front yard remain barren.

    There's nothing like having the ugly trees of the neighborhood. It was told to me that my trees are a slightly different kind. They bloom a few weeks later but actually keep their beautiful blossoms for a much longer duration.

    As I gaze at the blossoms on my trees I think of how followers of Christ can be sort of "late bloomers."

    Those who identify with the sufferings of our Great Revolutionary, Jesus of Nazareth, will not truly "bloom" until this life is over. For all of creation is groaning in anticipation for when the children God will be revealed.

    Until that time we can easily be jealous of those around us who seem to have it all in this life. It can be especially difficult to see the success of people who most would consider wicked.
    Even the psalmist said that he almost lost heart; until he entered the sanctuary of God. Only then did he gain the perspective of eternity.

    Sometimes we need this too.

    We can grow weary of seeing all the other trees blossom while our own do not. The time will come.

    Remember to enter into the sanctuary of God and talk with Him. Read His Word, The Bible, and reaffirm an eternal perspective.

    The flowers will bloom; even if late.

    So as I had an occasion to take some evening pictures of the blossoms on my trees, I thought about God and how He is preparing a place for me. And for some reason, that makes everything easier to handle.

    -Jason Vreeke

    P.S. Episode 18 will be released this weekend! Keep a lookout!
  • Public Profession of Faith

    Public Profession of Faith

    Hello Fellow Revolutionaries,

    This has been a big weekend for my family and I. My oldest son, Isaiah, made the decision to publicly profess his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth through water baptism. Thoughts of pride and humility have filled my heart in the days before and the day of my eight year-old's baptism.

    I also have had some family come in from out of town.

    I know what you're thinking...Jason is coming up with an excuse for not releasing an episode.

    You may be right. 

    I have not had the time to prepare a high quality episode for your listening pleasure.

    I have about two thirds of an episode produced with almost all of the writing done for the rest.

    Instead of rushing to finish I will take my time to make sure this episode is on par with the programs you are accustomed to from Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

    Instead, I am going to give you a bonus from 2006 or so.

    Here is an episode of my prior radio show and podcast A Revolution of the Mind.
    This episode features the late Pastor Chuck O'Bremski. He gives some of his life story and how he became a follower of Christ.

    He served not only as a pastor but as a professional sports chaplain.

    Find out more about him at

    The episode of A Revolution of the Mind is entitled, A Life Worth Living.

    Please ignore any references to email addresses or websites as they are no longer valid.

    Also, keep in mind that this episode was produced over ten years ago. Any date references will be out of date.

    Please enjoy this bonus program while I complete episode 18 of Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

    -Jason Vreeke

    P.S. Stay tuned as I have some amazing interviews lined up with revolutionary storytellers you do not want to miss!

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  • Episode 17 - Battlefield

    Episode 17 - Battlefield

    Hello Fellow Revolutionaries,
    I am pleased to announce the release of the seventeenth episode of Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

    This episode is entitled Battlefield.

    Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, or anywhere you get podcasts.

    This life in which we live is a battle. Did you know that?

    Our war is a spiritual war.

    Would you like to know more? Listen to Episode 17 - Battlefield.

    My guest storyteller is Ryan J. Krause.

    Listen as he shares some revolutionary stories from the battlefield of our military.

    Check out his ministry ---

    He is the author of a book called Reflections from the Battlefield. 

    Get it today at Amazon!

    Listen, watch, or download the episode below!


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  • Episode 16 - Redemption Road

    Episode 16 - Redemption Road

    Hello Fellow Revolutionaries,

    I am please to announce the release of Episode 16 - Redemption Road.

    This episode features guest storyteller Joseph A Ross. He is a professor of history and shares some of his own personal history in this episode as it relates to loss, suffering, grief, and redemption.

    Learn more about him and his journey at

    Find download links and the YouTube video for the episode below!


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  • Weekend Wonder

    Weekend Wonder

    For some reason mowing the lawn or even walking in my yard reminds me of Star Wars. It may seem arbitrary but I have spent many hours listening to Star Wars podcasts while mowing.

    Invariably, Star Wars always gets me thinking about my oldest son Isaiah; who will be eight years-old very soon.

    I remember several years back looking at cakes in the bakery section of Walmart. Isaiah's curiosity was captured by a cake-topper which featured a man in a black helmet dueling a man with a fair complexion. 

    The scene on the cake was that of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker dueling in Return of the Jedi.

    He asked me, "Daddy, what is this?"

    I gave him a little backstory of the duel and told him about the films. I asked him if he wanted to go home and watch the movies. He excitedly agreed. This marked the beginning of his love of Star Wars.

    I did not spend my childhood adoring the film franchise; I first watched the films in 1997 during the theatrical release of the special edition versions of the movies. I was, at the time, a high school student.

    With this being said, I did not have the same level of wonder as when Isaiah first watched the films. I was not stricken with fear when Darth Vader burst into the Tantive IV in search of the Death Star Plans. I was not frightened to the core when Darth Maul, and his demonic facial features, drove his saber through the abdomen of Qui-Gon Jinn. 

    I guess one of the reasons I like Star Wars is because it does, in a sense, help me to try to recapture the wonder I have lost growing older. I especially enjoy watching Isaiah and my other boys watch with wide eyes as Anakin makes the horrible turn to evil. 

    I find it fascinating how much of an emphasis Jesus of Nazareth puts on the nurturing of children. He said it would be better to have a millstone tied around your neck and be cast into the sea than to offend a child.

    Jesus said that His Kingdom is made up of children and people of childlike faith.

    Does this sound strange to you?

    It should not. I have often thought of Jesus as being the patriarch we all need; the One who makes children of us all.

    Don't think of Him as a person who makes us feel incapable or weak. Think of Him as One we can look to in our times of need; which is all the time.

    I think of Jesus as the One who cares for me more than I care for my own children; and He cares for you as well.

    Have you talked to Him lately? He was taken down a rough path while carrying a wooden cross. 

    His arms were stretched out and nailed to this same cross. There He died as a payment for our sins; our offenses toward God.

    When the disciples looked for Him, the tomb was empty.

    Jesus lives and because He lives we also shall live.

    Simply call out to Him in faith. 

    For it is by grace we are saved, through faith. This is not of ourselves. It is a gift from God, not of works, so that nobody can boast.

    Do you have this faith? It is yours if you want it.

    Call out to Him.

    Your fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke

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  • The Walk for Life/Fun Run in High Point, NC May 6th

    The Walk for Life/Fun Run in High Point, NC May 6th

    This year come show your support for families in High Point, NC by participating in this year's Walk for Life/Fun Run!

    It's happening May 6th from 8am to noon.

    Create or join a team of walkers or runners and help raise donations to benefit families and mothers in need. 

    I had the privilege of talking to one of the board members of The New Life Family outreach of High Point, Tori Shaw on Episode 11 - Deceived Unto Death.

    To find out more follow the link below and watch the promotional video as well!

    Click here to find out more about the Walk for Life/Fun Run


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  • Episode 15 - Damaged Goods

    Episode 15 - Damaged Goods

    Fellow Revolutionaries, 

    I am pleased to announce the release of the 15th episode of Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

    I find it fascinating that my prior show, A Revolution of the Mind, never made it past the 15th episode. I already have stories and interviews that will bring us much further on Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

    I am excited about what God is doing with this show!

    Thank you for your support!

    This 15th episode is entitled Damaged Goods.

    Have you ever felt that way? You shouldn't! You're not damaged goods to God!

    My first guest storyteller is Jerry Langford. He is the morning host at KSDW Radio in San Diego, CA. I met him many years ago and had no idea what an amazing work the Lord had done in his life. 

    We also have Pastor Dave Annan of Community Bible Church in High Point, NC.

    Learn about the journey he has been on since being diagnosed with cancer.

    To read Pastor Dave's blog about his cancer journey click here!

    Below you will find links to listen to, download, and watch the episode!

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  • Episode 14 - The Struggle Is Real

    Episode 14 - The Struggle Is Real

    Fellow Revolutionaries,

    I am pleased to announce the release of the 14th episode of 
    Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke

    This episode is entitled The Struggle is Real.

    My guest storyteller is Joe Dallas.

    Below you'll find links to the YouTube video and download links to the episode!

    Remember to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, or anywhere you find podcasts!


    For decades, Joe Dallas has been counseling and ministering to people who have struggled with sexual addiction and other manifestations of sexual sin; including homosexuality.

    Don't miss the story of his personal journey. It's a revolutionary tale of struggle and triumph.

    Learn more about him at

    Joe has authored numerous titles on the subject including his newest book, Speaking of Homosexuality.

    Follow this link to see his titles on Amazon.
    Click Here for books by Joe Dallas.

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  • Some Things Never Change...

    Some Things Never Change...

    When we survey the world around us, the picture does not look good.

    It is impossible to say what the global tomorrow will bring.

    Even in The United States, we are in a time of uncertainty.

    In your own life personally, I venture to say that you are probably dealing with something that has taken you by surprise. I daresay it is very likely that you are dealing with an issue you thought you would never would see.

    I know that in my own life I see, time after time, that I tend to have new problems arise before my other problems resolve.

    People get sick. Careers fall apart. 

    We lose houses, pride, and even those we love.

    We see people around us seem to be doing so much better than we. It is common for jealousy and envy arise.

    I remember an ancient Jewish musician named Asaph, who said he almost lost heart when he thought of how the wicked would often prosper in this life.

    He almost lost heart, until he entered the sanctuary of God...

    What changed for Asaph? Did all the wicked people suddenly get their judgment?


    Asaph's surroundings did not change; and we need to realize that, so many times, our surroundings will not change either.

    Asaph changed.


    Because he came into contact with God.

    A friend of mine likes to call life on earth a dress rehearsal. This especially resounds with me due to all my years in theater.

    It makes sense doesn't it? This life isn't the real thing.

    Our real life is in heaven. In fact, St. Paul the Apostle said Our citizenship is in heaven.

    Keep in mind, this only makes sense to a person who is following after Jesus.

    None of this will be relevant unless you have, as Jesus Himself put it, been born again.

    This is when a person is apprehended by Jesus and experiences the second birth; the spiritual birth.

    This will change you.

    After you have experienced this second birth, you may still find occasion for change.

    You will find the change needed when you come into contact with God.

    We can do this, like Asaph, when we enter the sanctuary of God.
    We can do this when we read and meditate on the Holy Scriptures, The Bible.
    We can do this when we speak to God through prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus.
    We can do this when we serve other people in the name of the Lord Jesus.

    Some things never change.

    God never changes.

    Instead, contact Him, and let Him change you.

    -Jason Vreeke

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  • Episode 13 - Crash But Don't Burn

    Episode 13 - Crash But Don't Burn

    Fellow Revolutionaries,

    I am pleased to announce the release of Episode 13 of Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

    This episode is entitled Crash But Don't Burn.

    My special guest storyteller is Brad Dacus, President and Founder of the Pacific Justice Institute

    You can learn more about all they do with religious liberties, parental rights, and more at their website,

    In this episode, Brad Dacus tells his story of how God miraculously healed him after a life-altering accident.

    But first, we have a story from a friend of mine who I am calling, Rediscovered Woman. What happens when your marriage and life crash and fall apart? Find out! Don't miss this story!

    Links below will be found to watch, listen or download!

    Episode 13 - Crash But Don't Burn<---Click to Play/Right-Click to Download.

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  • Some Things Do Change Indeed...

    Some Things Do Change Indeed...

    Hello Fellow Revolutionaries,

    God has been so faithful! All people of all generations can say this in full truth.

    Today is no different. 

    I have often asked the following question in my life, "What's wrong with this country?! Can't I walk down the street without being offered a job?"

    I say that to say that I have had a recent job change. This change is within the same company. They made me an offer and I couldn't refuse it.

    With this change I have had a hard time adjusting to the new hours.

    I also have begun the Spring semester in my collegiate efforts.

    I have found that, through these changes, I have not been able to post as many blogs.

    I have, praise God, been able to release podcast episodes weekly.

    I apologize that the blog posts have not been as frequent.

    I also thank you for continuing to listen to the podcast.

    God has been faithful in providing amazing guests that will glorify the name of the Lord!

    I just conducted an interview today and I am very excited about! It will bring glory to the Real Jesus of Nazareth.

    Keep listening for more Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

    But even more so, please, keep living the Revolution for the greatest Revolutionary of all...

    Jesus Christ.

    -Jason Vreeke

    P.S. Episode 13 is in the works and will not be one you want to miss!
  • Episode 12 - Tell The World

    Episode 12 - Tell The World

    Hello Fellow Revolutionaries,

    I am pleased to announce the release of Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke - Episode 12!

    This episode is entitled, Tell The World

    Our special guest storyteller is Sarah Yardley.

    Sarah shares some of her experiences as a missionary to England!

    Also listen to some of my own antics and misadventures while I try to Tell the World!

    Listen to or download this episode below!

    Remember to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, or anywhere you get podcasts.

    Don't forget to join the email list by entering your email below. If you join, you will receive special bonus content downloads not available anywhere else!  Be sure to confirm your subscription as well!

    Play the YouTube Video above or MP3 below!

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  • Episode 11 - Deceived Unto Death

    Episode 11 - Deceived Unto Death

    Hello Fellow Revolutionaries,

    I am pleased to announce the release of Episode 11 - Deceived Unto Death.

    This timely release coincides with the historical March for Life happening this weekend in Washington D. C.

    My special guest storyteller, Tori Shaw, tells her very personal story that is very relevant and topically related to the March for Life.

    Read Tori's thoughts on life, motherhood, and Christianity at her blog, A Life of Gratitude, at

    Tori also sits on the board of the New Life Family Outreach in High Point, NC.  Visit their website,, to find out more!

    You don't want to miss this episode!
    Links are below to watch, listen, and download!

    Click the big blue button or the text link below it.

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  • The Pursuit of Happiness, Liberty, and Life

    The Pursuit of Happiness, Liberty, and Life

    Last week many witnessed the words and actions of what is being 


    The Women’s March.

    It is said that over a million people, the vast majority women, gathered in Washington D.C. in order to be heard.

    Coverage was widespread.

    You could not escape it on social media or network media.

    I got some pretty in-depth descriptions from proponents and opponents who were in attendance.

    This weekend is an event dubbed The March for Life.

    In similar fashion, people from all over, mostly women, are assembling in Washington D.C. in order to speak out in favor of protecting human life.

    I don’t know where you fall in this issue.

    It was Dr. Ravi Zacharias who said:
    The ultimate test of any civilization is how we treat the most vulnerable…what we do to our children.

    There are none more vulnerable the unborn.

    What are we doing to these children?

    As The March for Life goes on this weekend in our nation’s capitol, and there is not as much media coverage, ask yourself: 

    Why is that?

    Why is the media lopsided on this issue?

    The crowd is slated to be even larger than that of last week.
    You make the call.

    Your fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke

    P.S. Stay tuned for a very timely episode this weekend concerning another aspect of this same issue!

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  • People Need Jesus

    People Need Jesus

    People look at Christians and determine what Jesus is like.

    The sad reality is that Jesus of Nazareth has been defamed because of the failures of the church.

    I know you and I are not capable, by any stretch of the imagination, to be just like Jesus.

    Do I love people perfectly? NO!

    Do I always put others before myself? NO!

    Do you know who can be just like Jesus?


    We need to be instrumental in arranging encounters with the Real Jesus of Nazareth.

    Jesus is a Man of sorrows; acquainted with grief.
    Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted.

    Do you remember when Jesus met you in your time of grief?
    Do you remember when He healed your broken heart?

    I remember when he healed my broken heart.
    And it has happened more than once; and it may continue to happen.

    There is no guarantee that heartache will go away.
    The guarantee is that you are not alone.

    If you know Jesus; introduce Him to those who do not.

    If you feel alone and have never met Jesus;
    It is my honor to introduce you to the Real Jesus of Nazareth.

    He is the centerpiece of history.

    His ideas are so revolutionary that the people killed Him.

    They nailed Him to a cross and he died.

    But then He rose from the dead; proving that He is who He said He is: God in human form; the Redeemer of mankind.

    If you know Him, tell others about Him.

    If you don’t know Him; understand that He is interested in you.
    He wants a relationship with you. You should call Him on it.

    And just remember; He chose the nails.

    -Jason Vreeke

    P.S. Episode 11 is in the works! Check it out this weekend!

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