• Away in a Manger Syndrome or The Little Lord Jesus

    This time of year many of us sing well-known songs concerning sleigh rides and bells jingling and jangling. We also sing and hear songs concerning the birth of the Jewish Messiah---the Savior of the world. Some of theses songs are great and filled with encouraging reminders of God's love. I think of the song Away in a Manger:

                      Away in a manger no crib for a bed / The little Lord Jesus lay down His sweet head

    It seems so nice and the sound of the song is that of a lullaby. But the same thought always rolls around in my head this time of year when I hear this song. Sometimes I think we live in this song or that we hold on to this Little Lord Jesus. I feel that so many of us, myself included, when facing particularly tough times we think we have a Little Lord Jesus. I call it Away in a Manger Syndrome. This Little Lord Jesus is just a baby! How could He possible help us!?

    I am glad to report that Jesus is, by no means, little. If you do a study of the Ones (John 1, Colossians 1, and Hebrews 1) you will see that Jesus is actually the Creator. He is the God in Genesis 1 who created the heavens and the earth.

    In fact Isaiah told us in the 40th chapter of his book that God measures the universe with the span of his hand. In the Milky Way Galaxy alone astronomers estimate there are at least 100 billion stars. The Milky Way Galaxy is part of  the Virgo Supercluster which measures at about 110 million light years across. The Virgo Super cluster is part of the Lanaikea Supercluster which measures an unthinkable 500 million light years across.  And this big God cares deeply for you.

    In Psalm 139 we are told that God not only cares for us but that He fashioned each of our days and wrote them in a book. The psalmist also tells us that if we were to count the number of thoughts that God has for us they would be more numerous than the sands of all the seashores. This figure has been estimated to be approximately 10 the the 25th power!

    So God is big; and this "Little Lord Jesus" grew up to become the greatest man who ever walked the face of the earth. Indeed, the calendar itself revolves around Him as His birth is the actual pivot point between the common era and prior.

    He became the most notable Revolutionary who, despite His immeasurable power, allowed Himself to be nailed to a cross made of wood that He designed. The people He designed and created actually drove the nails into this cross. By the way, the fact that a metal nail can be driven into wood and act as a fastener is just one of the properties that Jesus invented.

    This great expression of sacrificial love is aimed squarely at you. He proved His love when he died on the cross. He proved His power when He rose from the dead. He did this for you.

    This is not a Little Lord Jesus.

    This is a big Lord Jesus. If He has already given His life and proven His power over death; what can stand in His way?

    Just one thing.

    When Jesus went to His hometown he was amazed by the lack of faith that He found. As a result of this unbelief we are told in Mark chapter 6 that He could do no mighty work there.

    Does that sound strange to you? Due to lack of faith Jesus, King of the Universe, was unable to do a mighty work.

    For some reason God chooses to work through our faith.

    I guess it can be hard to have faith in a Little Lord Jesus. It is not difficult, however, to have faith in a huge God who created the universe and measures it with the span of His hand. That's Jesus! You can trust Him and put your faith in Him!

    So this year go ahead and sing all the Christmas songs you love to sing---even Away in a Manger; but remember that Jesus is not little and that He has the power to meet you wherever you are and in whatever situation.

    Your fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke

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