• Prayer Is Revolutionary!

    Yes, it is!
    In the very act of prayer is an admission that you need help.

    When the fuel pump in my truck decided to go kaput recently, I did what any man would do. I bought the parts, did a little research online, and watched a YouTube video.

    After an entire day of trying I came to the realization that I, in myself, could not fix it.

    So I prayed under the truck. A name came into my mind. I knew this name---Larry. He is a retired mechanic. I called him and he got my truck all fixed up in no time!

    So what does my truck have to do with prayer?

    Here's the revolution.

    We are practically inundated with the message "You can do it!" We are told that we have in ourselves all that we need. There are self-made men and women. We, especially Americans, pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and keep on keeping on!

    Did you know it is not true that we have in ourselves all that we need?
    Did you know we need to reach out beyond ourselves to the One who has everything in Himself?

    In Christ all the fullness of deity lives in bodily form. We are told that He is before all things and that in Him all things are held together.

    Why wouldn't I ask Him for help? Who else would we ask?
    I dare not give a lesson on how to pray; as I am still learning this myself!
    Instead I give an appeal simply to pray.


    Even if you don't know what to say---God understands that we don't know how to pray as we ought and the Spirit Himself makes intercession.

    And it is more than asking for things. Time in prayer is time with God.

    And that is time well spent. So please, spend some time today in prayer.

    Your fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke

    P.S. Stay tuned to the podcast feed. I have a bonus coming out this week!

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