Episode 7 - Crucial Deception
Until next time,
Live the Revolution
-Jason Vreeke
We want to bring authentic stories with each podcast episode.
Learn more at Crucialbeats.com |
Fellow Revolutionaries,
I am pleased to announce that "blogspot" is no longer part of my domain.
Talesoftherevolution.com is now live!
Nothing else will change. You will still see the same kind of content and the podcast feed will not change.
Again, thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing and podcasting more stories about the Greatest Revolutionary of them all and His people.
-Jason Vreeke
I am humbled to now be included on Stitcher!
A big thanks goes out to all who worked to make this happen!
If you are a Stitcher user please subscribe and give a strong rating to Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.
Episode 3 just got released on Saturday and is waiting for you!
Your fellow revolutionary,
Jason Vreeke
Hello fellow Revolutionaries,
The third episode of Tales of the Revolution is currently in post production. All the principle recording is complete!
We are looking good for a release tonight!
Keep your eyes on the feed for the need episode.
If you haven't already subscribed to the podcast please do so! Tales of the Revolution is listed on iTunes, Google Play, and now Stitcher!!!
Subscribe today!
-Jason Vreeke
Hello Fellow Revolutionaries,
Tales of the Revolution Episode 3 is in production and will be completed tomorrow night.
Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and or Google Play so you don't miss this new episode!
Many new episodes are also in the works!
And remember, I want to hear YOUR story!
Contact me today!
-Jason Vreeke
Dear Revolutionaries,
The iTunes feed of Tales of the Revolution is now live! You can search iTunes for Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.
I ask that you would subscribe AND please register a good, strong rating!
This will help others to find the podcast!
I would be so thankful if you would do this!
Your fellow revolutionary,
Jason Vreeke
Earlier this month I was asked to give a testimony at the nursing home ministry about something for which I'm thankful.
As I began to think of all the different things I am thankful for, such as my home and my family, I realized that there are many people who do not have such things. I did not want to be insensitive to those who did not have all the blessings that I do.
I thought about God and how he is the source of all my blessings. And I considered a question. What if all of these blessings were taken away from me, would I still be thankful?
That night at the nursing home ministry I shared how I was thankful most of all for the fact that my sins have been forgiven because Jesus died on the cross. I shared how forgiveness of sin was our greatest need as human beings.
All of these considerations swirl about in my mind as I realize that I fall short when I am thankful for all my blessings. I am most thankful for the Blesser--- even Jesus Christ the Righteous.
Remember Him this Thanksgiving--- the greatest Revolutionary of them all.
-Jason Vreeke
I am awaiting approval from both the iTunes and Google Play podcast directories. If approved, millions of iPhone and Android users will be able to search for and locate Tales of the Revolution!
Please pray that this goes through!
Your fellow revolutionary,
Jason Vreeke
Hello fellow Revolutionaries,
In the podcast game one of the best way to increase your distribution is to get listed in the iTunes Podcast directory.
I found out my artwork was the wrong size due to iTunes regulations. A friend and fellow revolutionary helped by designing the new Tales of the Revolution artwork.
I went to submit my feed and iTunes is saying my episodes are not able to be downloaded.
I know from a good source that it you enter the feed into iTunes that you can download episodes.
I have done that with Beyond Pod as well.
Please be patient as I work out my feed so it can be listed in iTunes.
Until then you can still add the feed manually.
Listen to the first two episodes if you have not yet.
Episode 3 (Lord-willing) is coming by the end of the week!
Stay tuned!
Click on the "download episodes" link above!
We revolt against the powers of darkness and death itself. Neither death nor the grave could not hold our leader. Because He lives we also shall live.
Learn MoreNo matter who you are; you need Jesus. He is the only hope for mankind. He died and rose again. It is by grace through faith we are saved. He is coming again soon.
Learn MoreStories bind us together like few things can. We are storytellers. We share stories to encourage the believer and challenge the skeptic. These are our Revolutionary tales.
Listen Nowjason@talesoftherevolution.com