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We want to bring authentic stories with each podcast episode.

  • Some Revolutionary Rumblings...Season 2!

    Some Revolutionary Rumblings...Season 2!

    I've always loved the sky. On eclipse day I was plagued by clouds.
    Nevertheless it was a beautiful day; I could hardly complain about what was going on in the sky.

    There have been some rumblings going on inside of me. These rumblings are for season 2 of Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

    The Lord has given me a great but busy summer off. We are now nearly to the end of summer.

    A busy summer that has included a job change or two and the birth of my daughter.

    Now that fall is coming up things are changing again.

    Stay tuned for new episodes very soon!

    I have been blessed with some stories from amazing people that I have in the can along with some new inspiration from God that I hope will cause you some revolutionary rumblings of your own!

    Please contact me with YOUR revolutionary tales as well.

    Your fellow revolutionary,
    Jason Vreeke
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